What is all this about New York and the Jewish community? Calling out hate filled violence is not hate filled violence

Let’s be real. For whatever reason, racists and bigots are feeling more empowered than now than for many years. That fact is self-evident, all one has to do is look at the news. In the last few years, we have seen an upturn in violence attacks on minority populations across the country. People seem to think that it is their job to go over a person if they are hispanic and BBQ’ing in a part or having a party in their front yard.
So this morning, I woke up to find out about the attack by a lone stabber in Monsey, NY outside of NYC in Rabbi’s house where they were celebrating Hanakkah. Five people were wounded.
Since then both the governor and the mayor of the city have made speeches and decisions. The governor declared it a hate crime and a incident of domestic terrorism. The Mayor indicated that paroles were be increased in the Jewish sectors of the city to try and prevent future events of such domestic terrorism.
Now nobody that I have been able to find anyway has said that trump has any responsibility for this situation. However, it seems that there are people that are wanting to somehow blame the governor as though he is doing something wrong, and making things worse with his statements.
The fact of the matter is that there have been several attacks on Jews in New York lately. Just a few days before this last stabbing, an orthodox Jew was stabbed on the street. This is consistent with hate crimes and domestic terrorism as the governor indicated because the point is apparently to instill fear in the population affected.
But let’s talk about trump for a minute. Wasn’t he the one that said there “were good people on both sides” in Charlottesville, when the Unite the Right people went though chanting that Jews would not take over and one managed to hit a young woman and kill her? Wasn’t he the same one that told his supporters that he would defend them if they were sued if they hurt a protestor when they attacked them? Wasn’t he the same guy who defamed Hispanics by implying that they were all rapists etc? And finally, wasn’t he the one that accepted an endorsement from one of the worst bigots in America, David Duke?
Yeah, I know, he claimed he didn’t know who David Duke was but I don’t, for one moment believe that. Do you? No, trump didn’t pick up a gun or knife and do any violence. However, there is no way that it can be denied that he has sent subtle messages to those who are leaning toward violence, that such is acceptable.
No, not against Jews, in particular. However, when you advocate or seem to advocate, or just avoid looking at the violence, you give tacit permission. I have even seen it suggested that those of us who see trump as not being the best thing for America, which should be clear to us all by now, are somehow the ones encouraging violence.
Can you really listen to this video and still say that? Really?? If so, I really don’t know what to say to ya.