Two Cabinet Members that especially show that Biden is trying to move in the correct direction

Left Wisdom
3 min readMar 8, 2021

(picture from google)

Today, I am going to address Biden’s administration as it is reflecting how his term is proving to be a strong move in the correct direction. While we are on the cusp of getting the 1400.00 for the middle and working class that the republicans refused to do when they were in the majority, and the overdue raising of the minimum wage was attempted but failed due to a procedure ruling. However, there have been some changes that have been successful and worthy of celebration.

No more is this apparent than with the Cabinet members that have been appointed and confirmed. The only thing that comes as close as being “good signs” is that the Executives Orders written by Biden have undone the transphobic and racist decisions by the last administration. But for now, lets turn to two very important picks for the cabinet. Perhaps, it should go without saying that these two picks were the most unpopular with the Republicans. But then, it is a byword with me at this point, that we know when something is good because the current Republican leadership gets upset about it.

The first choice is the Secretary of Homeland Security. The pick that Biden made was Alejandro Mayorkas, who was the person that lead the creation of the DACA program under Obama. I applaud this choice because it signals Biden’s turn from the DACA negative treatment dished out during the prior administration. These young people were brought into our country as youngsters, and have done everything that is asked of any other citizen or potential citizen. In addition, we have educated many of them so that now they are serving as business owners, doctors, lawyers, and other worthy positions. Throwing them out of the nation, as that same prior administration wanted to do and actually tried to do until stopped by the courts, would not only be a disservice to them, but to us and our investment in their future.

The other choice is Jennifer Granholm, who was a two-time Governor of Michigan and has experience working with the car manufacturing industry. As Secretary of Energy, she will be in the perfect position to work with the car industry to move toward alternative fuels and get us away, as a nation, from reliance on the pollution-producing fossil fuel captivity of our energy sector.

Thus, we see that the cabinet positions are being filled with people that stand ready to move our nation in a healthier direction, whether it be our race relations, and our treatment of the immigrants amongst us, or the entire environment. With success will come a healthier nation, in terms of physical, psychological, and social wellness as well as returning to the values for which we are supposed to stand as a nation.

Now, if Bernie Sanders and others can just do something about the horrible situation of persons working hard for only 7.75 an hour when studies show that even 15.00 an hour will not truly be a living wage in many parts of the country. The 15.00 minimum wage would have at least been a major move in the right direction.

Bernie, work on that, will ya?!! I know that President Biden will sign a good bill that does just that if the Senate can get enough votes to pass such a bill which LONG overdue.



Left Wisdom

70 and retired, and living my dream free, knowing that only by working with a union am I fortunate enough to be able to be where I am.