trumpers are determined to drive anybody with any honesty, honor, or backbone away from the former Republican party

Left Wisdom
3 min readJul 25, 2022

And another one bites the dust!! Another Republican with, at least, a tiny bit of honesty and backbone left in his body is now being “censured” by the Trumpian leaders of the party. It seems to me that they are bound and determined to get rid of anybody that is still willing to not buy the seditious lie put forth by the guy who wanted to turn the United States into just one more banana republic with himself as the dictator and continue to stand for the Constitution and the rights of ALL Americans.

Look at the signs. Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney are the only two that were willing to stand against the mob and fight back and try to bring the liar-in-chief to justice. They both have suffered censure or some sort of removal of power as a result. Now Senator Bowers, of Arizona, has been subpoenaed by the Jan 6th bipartisan committee and testified to the fact that he was asked by Trump to intervene and “give him the votes” and refused because of the absolute dishonesty and criminality of such an act. Now he has been censured by the state leaders of the former Republican party. Those “leaders” are totally in with the illegal lies of a man who tried to take over the country despite the wishes of well over 50 percent of the voters.

Now, they claim that the reason is that he “worked with Democrats on things like LGBTQ rights” which tells us that the current party has no desire to actually provide any kind of human rights to anybody that doesn’t fit their demographic of the white heterosexual male. Thusly violating the entire spirit of the Constitution if not any actual word within the document.

So, let’s just accept that there is no longer a GOP or “Republican” party. All we have now is the Trumpian…people who are willing to do and say anything, no matter how many people it hurts, if they think they can keep control. As has been revealed already, they have every intention of curtaining anybody's freedom that isn’t exactly in line with their own personal beliefs. That is NOT a free nation…that is a dictatorship!!!

Now, I am not elevating Bowers to hero status. He admitted in one other article that I have since lost the link to, that he would STILL vote for trump again because he was “proud of what trump accomplished”. That is enough to make me opposed to this man…but at least he testified to the truth in the committee hearing which shows that he still has a tiny teeny bit of a backbone….which is totally absent with most of the former republicans.

I guess we can hold our breath and hope that the non-trump supporting Republicans can save their party, but I don’t suggest it as a viable option.



Left Wisdom

70 and retired, and living my dream free, knowing that only by working with a union am I fortunate enough to be able to be where I am.