nothing to see here, just keeping a copy of an email

Left Wisdom
3 min readJan 13, 2024


To Biden:

I have written you before about your siding so fully with the Israeli government that you are actually standing by and letting them kill thousands (now about 25 thousand) Palestinians including an abundance of women and children. There are Palestinian Christians under bombardment by the Israel right wing government of Netanyahu who is trying to save his own political career by using the war as a “rallying cry for unity’ against those investigating him for crimes and corruption.

However, even if you THINK Netanyahu is a “good actor” (which I certainly do not), you are violating our own governments war powers act which you were on the front lines protesting the past presidents violation of. You are doing the very same thing you attacked him for doing.

Right now, i will tell that the ONLY reason I would continue to support your campaign for the White House is because I think the other guy is more of a threat internally than you are. On Foreign Policy you are not presently convincing me that you are any better than Trump, and if there was a third candidate that I was reasonable sure had a real change, I would have already flipped to them.

You are not only violating our own war act by not going to Congress, you are joining in mistreatment of one of the most attacked and vilified people on the planet….the Palestinians.

I am not anti-semitic but I certainly am anti ‘subgugate and imprison the Palestinians, many of whom were in residence in that area long before Britian with US help decided to move all the Northern European Jews to that area saying it was “a people without a country, and a country without a people”. The colonizing mentality has, as it always does created a no win situation for everybody and you and your actions are continuing that process.

To Bernie Sanders:

Dear Bernie:

I am not from your state, but I do look to you as someone who I have some common views with. Meanwhile, although I have been totally supporting Biden due to the fact that the alternative is a horrible one, making Biden look like a saint, that is getting less and less clear.

Is there any way, we can work to get an alternative that is viable. I totally bury that Hamas is awful but I also believe that the reaction by Israel is engaging in a Genocide against the Palestinian people, people who in many cases, was there long before Britian decided that “a land without a country and a country without land” fit the situation and put the northern European Jewish people into the very area where people were already living, and living peacefully together.

In addition, now Biden is bypassing congress and going ahead with direct military action to back up the war that Israel has gotten itself involved in. That is against the very War Rules that he ranted against trump (rightly I would say) for doing and yet now he is doing it. I have already expressed my dissatisfaction to Biden and now I am wondering if there is a way you help us get out of this mess, even if it is come up with another Presidential Candidate if Biden won’t back down on this war he is pursing with no congressional support on record.

I would appreciate a responses.



Left Wisdom

70 and retired, and living my dream free, knowing that only by working with a union am I fortunate enough to be able to be where I am.