melania trying to convince us she is for the LGBT population…don’t believe her at all

Left Wisdom
5 min readAug 27, 2024


Ain’t this some absolute crap? The image at the top is the first evidence I had of this particular case of stupidity that has ramifications for the betrayal of the LGBTQ community of the United States. Gullible people are born every single day. No wonder it has been said that a dub is born every few minutes and we can all see it happening. All laid out there, willing, no downright eager to be taken advantage of. Well, I am just now hearing about the last group of mindless trump supporters that have been taken in.

Of course, it is easy to figure how who has been duded as it always is. We in the LGBTQ community actually have people that buy the crap that Republicans are supporter of us and will work, in any way whatsoever, to help gay persons have equal rights.

The last big famous disaster of this type was Caitlyn Jenner who apparently thought that because in her dead name, she had a career in sports, had gotten rich and was famous, trump would decide that “she was one of the good ones” and would work with her to make life more livable for other trans people because of her. What happened with that roll of the coin? Oh, right, she later admitted that she had realized, finally, that trump was not going to amend what amounts to his campaign of hatred for the trans community even if she did happen to be rich.

Can’t you just imagine her tears?!! I have to say, I don’t care about her tears. And in fact, I knew at the time, that her attitude and belief was going to end in disaster. trump ran on a “hate the other” campaign and trans persons were solidally in that category of other. We in the gay community are just lucky he never actually got as far as othering us to the same extent, at least not like he did the trans community.

Apparently, back in April, according to the articles linked below, Melania decided to have a fancy benefit party at Mar-a-Lago and in July she followed up with one in the New York Apartment she shared with trump before he left to go to Mar-a-lago and other parts because of “how unfair and crooked the courts were in New York City.” You and I know that as when the court in New York actually tried him for his 34 cases of lying about his money and using it to hide his corruption.

Now, lets look back to the top of the page. See that headline that says that Melania got 237K out of doing a speech, and I would assume hosting the two parties. I can not find the article that was a part of so I can’t “prove that” but it is interesting to consider whether or not she actually did. Let’s ignore that for the time being.

Who thinks that the man who has made it his top priority to remove rights from people, who took action in his SC appointments to get some of the worst most biased judges ever, and who caters to people who match in the streets after an election and actually riot and try to break in and stop the coun of the vote on Jan 6, 2021 is going to do anythng, make that ANYTHING for the Gay community. he has already said that he will make lives worse for the trans community.

But then we have as a judge on the SC Clarence Thomas. Let’s look at his career for a minute. He got where he is becauses of Affirmative Action. Then he made friends with Crowe (who often had cases before the court), apparently decided that he was better off siding with right wing billionaires rather than his own people and decided to work to do away with the very programs that got him where he was. In other words, in my not overly polite language, he betrayed his own people in order to kiss up to those that could afford to pay him huge dollars in order to vote for their causes rather than the peoples.

Well, every demographic seems to have a “betrayer” group, a group of people who will, because of their own personal wealth and elite position will turn on their own people and vote for their people’s enemies. Perhaps, even possibly, they are rich enough to be ablel to have a cottage on a south sea island where they can flea if things get too bad, but then they think that trump will allow THEM to live their lives and keep their advantages in live regardless of what he tries to do to the rest of us. So, they think, they are ok and they are the only persons they care about so all is well and they can support a POS like trump and not worry.

Well, but there is another side to this horror. They are gullible if they think for one moment that will even work. What do they think? That maybe for their support, they will get the ear of trump in any possible term he might achieve? Really? They think he will ignore his Nazi and Christian Nationalist followers and include THEM in the plan for American life?? Consider that logic for a second. What did Melanie advocate working on during trump’s time in office again. Oh, Right, she would work to destroy bullying, supposedly on line as well as in real work action, one would think. And what did she actually do? Didn’t even manage to get her husband to stop bullying everybody who had the nerve to disagree with him.

She will be just as effective in her work to allow gays to have equal rights as she was to stop bullying. In other words, not at all. So, what can we get from this. well, what I get is that some rich elite gay men and many even a few Lesbians who live in rich enclaves and are safe from mistreatment because of their money are supporting trump.

That makes them every bit as much of an enemy to the average gay person in this nation as trump and his MAGA cult members like Marjorie Taylor Greene are.



Left Wisdom
Left Wisdom

Written by Left Wisdom

70 and retired, and living my dream free, knowing that only by working with a union am I fortunate enough to be able to be where I am.

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