Let’s see if anybody notes that mental illness was involved in this situation even though he was not “white” or the complicity of the NRA

Left Wisdom
2 min readMar 24, 2021


The guy in Colorado that went on a shooting spree was not white. That is the first thing bigots point out. Interestingly when it is a White person, it is put down to mental illness or some sort of personal flaw on the part of the shooter. After all, apparently, White people can’t be terrorists, Right?! Even though every one of the people that mounted an insurrection at the Capitol on Jan 6th was White as far as I could say. There is nothing quite so “terroristic” than an insurrection. Sadly, some are still not only defending their criminal activity but condoning it.

Listening to the words of his brother and others, it seems that Ahmad was a quiet boy, a good brother. However, he was withdrawn and paranoid that people were spying on him, hacking her phone, looking at her though his computer..he once put tape over his camera on the computer to try and keep these alledged people from spying on him.

While not particularly religious, he spends most of his time training to wrestle, he did have a concern about Islamophobia in the general community…a belief that I find altogether too realistic, as a matter of fact.

Bottom line, I think this was a case of mental illness made worse by the hatred with which followers of Islam are greeted in many areas in this nation. Of course, if the NRA hadn’t managed to work their wiles on the Colorado citizenry a week or so before the shooting he would not have the gun. So we can thank the NRA for enabling the shooting, as well.

Thanks to their influence another mentally ill person got ahold of a semi-automatic in time to go off the tracts and hit a group of people. Thanks, NRA. But of course, they have no remorse. I wonder, maybe they are proud of being an instrument of death. It is past time that their power is diminished, and that guns are licensed and checks are done on people wanting to get them. Many of our lives may be at risk if we don’t because there doesn’t seem to be any lessening of mental illness in our current political atmosphere.



Left Wisdom

70 and retired, and living my dream free, knowing that only by working with a union am I fortunate enough to be able to be where I am.