here’s hoping the Democrats have stopped the republican rush to bail out those that would profit on the backs of the workers

Left Wisdom
4 min readMar 23, 2020

Everybody in this country should know by now what the greedy corporations do with bail outs or as it is more properly called “corporate welfare” when it is given without strings. We saw that with the so-called tax reform, which they promptly used for stock buybacks rather than what we were told they were going to use it for; for hiring employees and paying them better. In other words, once again, the customers and the employees got screwed while the huge corporations laughed all way to the bank.

Well, the democrats stopped another attempt to do the exact same thing using the Covid-19 virus as an excuse. Below, I reference four articles. The first two are the results of the attempt by the Republicans to bail out Big Business. The other two are links to the kind of discussion going on before the vote. In case you wonder what the result of the first two were, it was that businesses like the airlines and the oil industry would get bailed out with few if any strings attacked to the money..

We went though that exact scenario after Obama continued the Bush started bailout in 2009. The sirlines and such corporations got huge sums of help and promptly used that to pay their executives millions of dollars in retirement and “severance” even when the executives involved had run the company into the ground in the first place.

Many people, some on both sides of the aisle were rightly upset about the result of 2009’s bail out. At the time, I thought it was worth it to keep people employed. However, after two such give aways to corporations, it is time for that crap to end.

Now I am not saying there should be no bill to prop up both the people and the businesses. However, any money allotted to corporations should be designated toward helping the employees. At this point, we are by and large in “stay at home” mode. What reason does American Airlines and other companies like it, have to need more money except to make sure their employees are taken care of and to keep the prices at a reasonable level.

Let’s look at the gas at the local service station as an example. Before this epidemic, gas at my local station was over 2.00 a gallon. With the efforts due to Covid-19, it has dropped to 1.73 per gallon. When I last bought gass, about a week ago now, it was either 1.85 or 1.88. I forget just which. Now people are hoarding toilet paper. I tell you what I would hoard if magically I was given a 5000 ton tank for gas all for my use. I would store it…and make sure when the gas companies go back to their price gouging ways, I would have no reason to give them business. I anxiously hope to need more gas before it goes back up to over 2.00 which it will if the gas companies can do so and get away with it.

I want our economy to improve but only in sane terms. I don’t care what happens to Big Business if the average citizen is not traveling and struggling to get back. For far too long we have, as a society, bailed out the big dogs and left the little ones to suffer. That has hopefully come to an end.

Go ahead, Republicans, bail out Big Business but make sure you stipulate that they not waste the money on trivia like huge retirement packages for inept administration rather than helping the people that actually do the nuts and bolts to keep their business viable.

Thanks to the Democrats for standing up, finally, for the little person and THEIR interests.

Additional (before the vote):



Left Wisdom

70 and retired, and living my dream free, knowing that only by working with a union am I fortunate enough to be able to be where I am.