did the con-man in chief get out-conned? I am so sorry….NOT!!!

Left Wisdom
4 min readJun 21, 2020

(picture copied from a tweet by Peter Maer and used ono the Rawstory article linked)

Now, this is something that never occurred to me. Mostly, because I would pay money to avoid having to listen to trump ramble on with his lies and deflections and bragging. It seems, however, that some young people had a different tactic in mind and the enterprise to put it together. They seem to have pulled it off nicely.

trump wanted to view this rally as a sort of political resurgence and his “come-back” but it seemed to have fallen on hard times in the execution. While trump was, in fact, able to spend almost two hours bragging about his response to Covid-19 (an abject failure) in the fact of 120,000 deaths with over 2 million have contracted the pandemic. Also was his usual deflections and attacks on Democrats, who he insists on calling “radical”. So, basically in terms of content,it was a typical trump rally consisting of bragging and attacking others.

However, despite bragging about the “record number of people” asking for tickets, even including signing a waiver that if the attendee got sick they wouldn’t sue, it seems that the venue was nowhere near full. While only holding about 20,000, reports indicated that only about 10,000 were in attendance.

Now part of that is likely the controversy about the tone-deafness of first planning for the day that has come down in infamy as the worst day for African Americans and their murder by a white mob of any in history, at least in America. Another part is undeniably the fact that the numbers for Covid-19 have gone up in recent days. In something like 20 states, including Oklahoma, the numbers are climbing again, after being successful in control across most of the country for a few weeks.

In the continued lack of awareness of the impact of his words and his apparent lack of concern for the health of the citizenry, he also made fun of the virus and indicated he wanted to stop testing. While that might play for his base that worships everything the man says, it doesn’t come across that well to the general public, and it is not like it was ever going to be kept within the area of the rally.

But in addition to concerns about Covid-19, including the fact that some of the staff helping put the event on were found to be infected, and the tone-deafness of this entire event, there was another reason for the low attendance. .Apparently, a 61-year-old grandmother started a charge to apply for tickets without plans to go. A lot of teenagers, including the daughter of one of the Lincoln Project founders, apparently picked up the charge. Steve Schmidt indicated that his daughter and her friends had hundreds of tickets that they were able to get their hands on and stockpile.

So despite trump’s assertion at one time that, I think it was millions, wanting to come, it would seem that maybe 10,000 actually did. Of course, that is bad enough in a single venue with people packed together with recircled air, but not ss bad as 20,000. The reports are that the overflow had almost nobody to the point where the speech trump was planning to make in that room was canceled.

I actually love their courage and involvement. For a rock concert or for just about anybody, I would be somewhat horrified at what might be considered dishonesty of the whole effort. But as far as I am concerned, trump deserves what he gets. He has been dishonest and power-mad and sometimes fighting fire with fire is the only chance to right things or at least let the affording party know what it feels like to be shafted.

I hope to see that same dejected look as the Bunker Boy walks out of the White House on January 20, 2021. Hasten the day!!!!



Left Wisdom

70 and retired, and living my dream free, knowing that only by working with a union am I fortunate enough to be able to be where I am.