Democrats can walk and chew gum at the same time, too bad most republicans are still complicit with trump’s horrible behavior

Left Wisdom
4 min readJun 5, 2019

The title is my opinion. I would love to be totally wrong. All that has to happen is that the republicans in the senate could get a backbone and do what is decent instead of holding firm to their marriage to the bigots and racists on the far right. I HOPE they prove me wrong, but I tend to doubt it. They have knows so much tendency in the last 2 and a half years, and they still are defending the tantrum-throwing-toddler in chief in the White House. And that is a fairly sure sign that they have left the land of decency far behind.

The democrats passed a bill in the House to facilitate a route to citizenship for all of the young folks brought here as minors by their parents. Obama instituted the DREAMERS act, and trump even said that he “loved the DREAMERS”.

However, as we all should be aware by now, trumps one and only concern is his own aggrandizement. He really doesn’t care about those young people, nor, in my opinion when it gets right down to it, the American people. He cares about being seen as the “hero” of every narrative and the “strong man” and the “good businessman”.

All that despite the fact that he is absolutely none of those things. We know he wasn’t a good business man because his corporations went bankrupt at least four times and possibly as many as sex. What he WAS able to do is to fix things so he personally came out fine, but with his vendors and investors broke.

He isn’t a leader…except in his own blighted mind, because whatever his personal opinions is, he is beholden to the racists and homophobes on the right. Oh and let’s not forget that he seems to worship people like Putin and Kim Jong-un while attacking our former allies in Europe and immediately to our north and south on this continent.

trump has repeatedly shown that he doesn’t care about children or the American people. You may ask how. Let’s see, there is his reneging on a promise not to go ofter the DREAMERS…a statement he reversed in a matter of weeks. Then there was his policy of separating children at the border…from their parents. He tried to convince he had stopped that, but I remember what he said…which was not that he was stopping but that “in all possible cases”.

The wording told me more than he thought he was sharing I am sure. I got the message that there were cases where he would still yank children away from their parents, or aunts, grandmothers or whatever relative they were with. All he has to do is find some excuse, and we all know if he looks hard enough, he will find an excuse.

Unlike with Watergate, where the republicans realized that they had a crook in the White House and had the courage to do something about it, the ones today don’t seem to care. There is plenty of evidence of his corruption from the Mueller report to the kinds of threats to Constitutional liberties that he spews in tweets on a daily basis.

So, if you want to know who can’t walk and chew gum, it is the republicans not the democrats. The democrats in the House can pass bills to take action to help people and also investigate the trump scandals as is their duty. The republicans, at least so far, can’t do anything for the country because they are too busy kissing the rear end of the orange menace.

That’s when they don’t actually move to make the average citizen’s life worse by sending more money into the coffers of the 1 percent…like they did with the so-called “tax reform” where many of the middle class ended up paying more, including myself, while the top earners got huge tax breaks.

The republican party has lost whatever decency and humanity they even possessed during the trump years. Not that they ever were as concerned about the poor and middle-class as they were the rich and powerful — at least in my memory. That has been true at least since Reagan with his “trickle down” economics debacle which the republicans keep upchucking it and trying it again like the nasty stuff that it is.

The only thing that will really help everybody is if the tax breaks are provided to the middle class more so than the ones who don’t need tax breaks because they already have all the advantages and most of money. But the republicans will continue to help the super-rich to get even more of the wealth of the nation.



Left Wisdom

70 and retired, and living my dream free, knowing that only by working with a union am I fortunate enough to be able to be where I am.