Biden is going to be the next President, and trump has only his own dishonestly and uncouth dictator-like behavior to blame

Left Wisdom
5 min readNov 13, 2020

It is no secret that this is written from the viewpoint of a person who feels that trump is the worst thing, and that includes even the crookedness of Nixon, that has happened in this nation since the Civil War. It has, especially, been a huge set back for anybody that is part of a minority, be it the LGBTQ community or an ethnic minority. Race relations are at their lowest ebb in decades due to trump’s empowering and defending of the White Nationals who want to ruin the lives of everybody that just “look and act just like them.”

In 2016, there were questions about the election. Once again, the Electoral College installed a person that did NOT win the majority of the popular vote. In addition, there was huge evidence that foreign agents, notably from Russia, had influenced the election. This was a claim made with huge input from every intelligence agency that has jurisdiction over such things. trump was wisely believed to be the beneficiary of that interference, and the Mueller Report, despite Republican statements did NOT, in fact, clear him of the charge of receiving the help.

Regardless of all that, however, trump was not even willing to accept that to the popular vote didn’t go in his favor despite the evidence being right there, clear to all. Unfortunately for many of us, the way our elections are done, he still won. He could have simply said, “Ok, I may have lost the popular vote but won in the college”. Instead, rather than just admitting the known truth, he went the other way. He suggested, with no real evidence whatsoever, that 2–3–5 million people had voted illegally.

Then, the entire four years, instead of peacefully representing all the people, he has attacked anybody that questioned his often wrong actions. He ignored the congressional power over the purse by moving funds around to achieve his personal agenda with the wall. He continued the Reagan inspired trickle-down economic theory that causes immense wealth for the lucky and abject poverty for everybody else. And finally, when a horrible Pandemic comes along, he denies its severity.

Now, this is the point in the narrative where trump supporters will interject that everybody underestimated the horror of Covid-19. That may be true, but the difference is that trump STILL underestimates the potential for harm and death. Today, the total number of inflictions has reached 242,000 and it is still on the upswing. In addition, what has been his substantial contribution to the fight?

Well, in a public briefing, he suggested that somehow getting bleach or a very hot light into the body might cure the disease. Imagine that!!!! I would chuckle lightly and move on if this had been seen in a conference room in a brainstorming meeting, but on national TV for the world to see, it is not just funny, but criminal. This untrue theory resulted in an upturn in calls to poison hotlines asking whether bleach might cure Covid-19. There are gullible people in the nation. No responsible person should ever, ever put people’s lives in damage by making such a foolish public comment.

But, now, to top everything off, the man-child in the White House is trying to cause the American people to doubt our election process, based on no real evidence. What does exist is a “conservative pundits” parade of conspiracy theories and accusations. But let’s look briefly at the situation.

The votes looked like they were going in trump’s favor in some states early on. Well, let’s realize that the early votes counted were most often the one’s done on the election date itself. In some, if not all states, the absentee (or mail-in however it is named) are counted later. The mail-in and early voters were more often Democrats because we are the ones that take the Pandemic most seriously. We and that includes me, want to avoid huge crowds whenever possible, and were more likely to vote by mail. I did not because I knew there would be a “scandal” this time, and wanted to make absolutely sure there was no question that my vote was made legally for Joe Biden. Not everybody was as willing to take the risk. That could and probably does explain why, in some states, the more votes that were counted, the better it looked for Biden.

So, the evidence says that Biden won the election. So, what is trump’s right to question? He has that right, justified by evidence or not. However, a decent human being would just say “I have questions and want a recount” and then go about the business of going to court and asking the Judge with authority to ask for a recount. That should be simple enough.

But let’s look at how trump is handling it. He is twitting vast numbers of tweets, retweeting conspiracy theories without real evidence, and just generally trying to sow distrust and dissension. Meanwhile, the numbers being in his favor, Biden is calmly setting about doing those things that he can do without any cooperation whatsoever from the trump people. Now, I ask you, which one is acting more like a statesman, which is what we SAY we want as a leader?

Oh, and right now, there is much ado from the trump supporters about the fact that Georgia is doing a recount. They are excited and seem sure that this means that their man will take Georgia. Well, the fact is that it is very close in Georgia. The count is something like 49.5 to 49.2 (trump having the 49.2). Whenever the vote in Georgia is that close, they automatically do a recount so really this does NOT evidence that Georgia believes or has any reason to suspect, that anything irregular has been done. This is just part of the normal process done during any election that qualifies.

I believe, hope and prayer, that all of this turns out to be a tempest-in-a-teapot, and Biden will be sworn in and we will find a way to a peaceful transfer of power. Unfortunately, there are those on the extreme right, those same White Nationalists that trump has given his blessing repeatedly, that will proceed to destroy the nation and we will be a third world nation or worse.

These articles gave me backup for many of my thoughts, which are above in my own words.



Left Wisdom

70 and retired, and living my dream free, knowing that only by working with a union am I fortunate enough to be able to be where I am.